Note: This site is in beta testing and may not be 100% stable. Please feel free to create an account and poke around - you might even get some free labels!
Macgravia sp 1
Dischidia hirsuta 'Red'
Philodendron cf lupinum
Philodendron tortum
Caladium palacioanum
Anthurium cabrerense
Nepenthes lingulata
Philodendron sp. corrugated
Philodendron sp. corrugated
Anthurium dressleri
Amorphophallus operculatus
Streptocarpus dunnii
Philodendron mayoi
Anthurium angamarcanum
Philodendron spiritus-sancti
Anthurium ovatifolium
Philodendron linnaei
Philodendron bicolor
Piper sp.
Piper sp.
Peperomia prostrata
Nepenthes diatas
Nepenthes lavicola
Nepenthes khasiana
PotStikr is Copyright 2015-2025 by Albert Huntington